Our Story
Today’s Weather Report:
100% chance of stories!

Now there are a few Storymatics to choose from: The Storymatic Classic, Storymatic Kids, Rememory, and Synapsis. Each one comes from prompts I developed in my writing classes, and each one can help you tap into your imagination and find stories and memories. Use them to have some laughs at a party, or for writing, art, performance, and personal exploration. It’s up to you!
Sometimes people think Storymatic is a big company, but it's really just me and Vaune, my wife. We make Storymatic in the U.S., and we do nearly all of the shipping ourselves. We work in a beautiful old mill in Brattleboro, Vermont, not far from where we live.
If you have any questions, please let me know! I’m always happy to chat.