Sample Prompts

When you sit down to write a story, do you run out of steam after a page or two? Is your screenplay stalled in the first act? Do you have the nagging feeling that you're spending all your time on your character's back-story, and the plot isn't going anywhere?
Well, then Shake it Up is for you. This is one of the prompts included in the booklet that comes with The Storymatic Classic.
- Draw two gold cards to create your main character.
- Describe a normal day for your character. “Normal” means different things to different people—what is “normal” for your character? Take your time with this. Settle into your character's normal.
- Your next card (it can be either color) will shake up your character’s world. Pick this card and let it turn your character’s world upside down.
- Continue the story. Will your character try to restore the old normal? Will your character adjust to the new normal? What will your character do?
- When you finish that story, start another!

Take turns adding twists and turns with Add to It, an ideal all-ages game for the car, camping trip, and dorm, and for family gatherings and parties. Add to It is a great way to get people talking, listening, and laughing.
Add to It is one of the prompts included in the booklet that comes with The Storymatic Kids (it's in Storymatic Class also).
- Draw two yellow cards, combine what they say to make one character, and begin telling a story about that character. Go for a minute or so.
- When you are ready to pass the story along, a new storyteller draws a new card (either color) and adds to the story for a minute or two.
- Then a third storyteller draws a card and adds to the story, then a fourth, and so on.
- The story is over when everyone has contributed, or when 10 cards have been drawn... or go as long as you like!
- When you finish that story, start another!
Teachers and parents: Add to It is a great way to build a healthy group dynamic and get everyone participating equally in a creative, fun activity. It's an excellent, improvisational way to start a class or prepare people to work together.