Art from Memory
Think of all the poems, paintings, and songs based on memories. Songwriter Helen Hummel and visual and installation artist Lisa Urban are two talented artists who work with Rememory to turn memories into art.
Songwriter and animator Helen Hummel used Rememory and Storymatic to jumpstart new songs and reimagine unfinished ones for her album Many Waters. Helen says that using prompts helps to "remove some pressure I put on myself as a writer and get me past the initial stages where I often get snagged."
Painter, teacher, and knitting-artist Lisa Urban used Rememory to write a memory a day, and then she turned these memories into beautiful and unique knitted sculptures.
She then put lights into each of the one-of-a-kind memories so they were "illumin-knitted" and hung them in a narrow space where you could not help but be confronted by them. Her written memories lined the walls for reference. She writes:
Think about the idea of writing your memories and then working with yarn to shape those words into three-dimensional, luminous forms that begin to have their own language and their own reality. Imagine what it's like to touch and hold your memories at the same time as you shape them, and to literally feel your joys and sorrows flow across your fingers. Lisa's project has a lot to say about how we shape and are shaped by memories.